Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dream Nerf Loadout

I really like to participate in Nerf Wars. They are loads of fun, but without away to carry all those blasters, ammo and accessories, they can be rather difficult. I mainly use a very basic loadout, but I an currently contemplating whether or not I should buy a more advanced loadout system. If I had the choice, for my favourite- indoor wars I would choose to carry a voltage modded Stampede, a Barricade and a Reflex, plus ammo. For ammo and clip storage, I would use the tactical vest, with the Barricade in the holster and a Reflex in the mesh pouch.

So with this I pose a question. What is your ultimate loadout?


  1. What I always have for indoors play.

    1 Modded Recon CS-6 without barrel, but with a stock and 35 drum.
    1 Dart Tag Strikefire, in a holster.

  2. 2 barricades, shades, headset walkie talkie, tactical vest

    Badass Commando all the way baby

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. longshot with raider drum no barrel and scope on, tac vest, alpha in vest sword holder, barrel break on holster and the strikefire on the other holster

  5. Actually, I've changed my mind.
    Tac Vest
    AT w/ Spectre Stock & Pinpoint Sight
    Spectre in holster

  6. Primary: Buzz Bee Ultimate Berserker
    Secondary: Vortex Praxis slung over my back with an extra mag in my pocket
    Sidearm: Vortex Vigilon in my belt holster
    Backup: Sharp Shot in my other pocket
    Melee: Shadow Fury

  7. Primary: Elite Rampage with Retaliator stock and 25 dart drum with pinpoint sight
    Secondary: Elite Alpha Trooper on the Elite Bandolier Strap with 3 18 dart clips and dart holders full
    Sidearm: Elite Strongarm in my custom made holster on my right thigh
    Backup: Elite Barrel Break on another Elite Bandoiler Strap with 3 18 dart clips and dart holders full
    Melee: Custom made foam pocket knife on a strap on the Elite Bandoiler Strap

    1. I would also wear some shades, under armour tennis shoes, U.S. Army t-shirt, with cargo shorts. The cargo shorts would hold the Elite Triad fully loaded with 3 extra darts, my Alpha Trooper barrel would be in one pocket. I would also wear a headset so I can com with my squad.
